The Town of Webbers Falls, OK was founded in 1828 by Chief Walter Webber. Webbers Falls is a small town, rich in Cherokee History, that sits on the banks of the Arkansas River in Eastern Oklahoma. The town has survived the Civil War, fires, and floods.
Webbers Falls is Oklahoma’s second oldest town, and is named after its founder Chief Walter Webber and the Arkansas River waterfall. Webber established a trading post, portage service and salt works in 1828, years before the Trail of Tears. After the Indian Removal Act, many Cherokees found their way to, and settled down in Webbers Falls.
Webbers Falls was home to a few prominent Cherokees. Joseph “Rich Joe” Vann owned a cotton plantation and a steam boat. It was also home to the last Confederate general to surrender, General Stand Watie. General Watie stationed his troops in Webbers Falls.
In recent history, Webbers Falls is the area where a section of the Interstate 40 bridge collapsed when a barge collided with one of the piers. 14 people died as a result of the collapse. To commemorate this tragedy, the city of Webbers Falls created the “Angel of the Falls” memorial that can be seen at the park on the riverfront.
Webbers Falls
Webbers Falls is a small rural town located in Eastern Oklahoma. It is located on the banks of the Arkansas River and has many scenic lakes and acres and acres of farmland. Our riverfront and lakes provide camping facilities, fishing, swimming and other fun outdoor activities. Our riverfront area features a camping area, playground, pavilion, stage, dock and boat ramp and the Angel of the Falls I-40 Bridge Memorial.
In historic downtown Webbers you will find many local shops and diners as well as the Webbers Falls Museum and the Showtime @ the Falls!