(A-B-C-D and Playground)
All park pavilion areas must be rented through City Hall;
check with city clerk. - Reserved posting will be on pavilion showing reserved date and name of group. Also, there will be a list at City hall showing the reserve name and date.
- Large Band Stand (B) will cost $45.00 daily to rent.
- For the smaller pavilions (A, C, D & Playground), if you have less than 20 people in your group it is free. If 21 people or over, the fee is $15.00 per day.
Camping Fees and Rules
- Camping No Utilities - $7.00/day
- Camping with Electric & Water - $15.00/day
Senior Citizen (60 yrs. of age or older) ), Military and 100% disabled
$13.00 per day with Electric & Water; $5.00 per day without Electric & Water - 2 Weeks maximum at each campsite
- Check Out time is 1:00 P.M.
- Fees to be paid to camp host, police officers or at city hall and a receipt will be given at the time to the registered party. All checks must be made out to Town of Webbers Falls.
- One RV or tent per campsite (unless pre-arrangements have been made).
- Minimum of one adult (18 yrs. of age or older) must register and occupy the camp site during the entire registration period.
- Gas or propane lanterns may NOT be hung on trees.
- Quiet Time must be observed between 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.
- Boats are to be launched at boat ramp only.
- Pets must be on a leash and under control at all times. Pet litter must be cleaned up continuously by owner, bagged or wrapped in paper and deposited in trash cans. Pets disturbing other campers must be brought under control immediately or removed from the park.
- Trash must be put in trash cans, and at all times camp site must be kept clean.
$200.00 FINE for dumping fish parts within park area
(trash cans, on shoreline, or around boat ramp). -
HIGH WATER may require you to be asked to leave the park.
All camping equipment must be removed at these times.